Digital Marketing Social Media

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

You can save me 200 bucks? Prove it.

You can design awesome WordPress themes? Where’s your portfolio?

You know a lot about social media? Who have you helped?

It’s not about what you say you can do, it’s about doing it. Stop saying you can help people with their problems and start helping them. There are people begging for WordPress help on Twitter right now, why don’t you track them down and lend them a hand Mr WordPress expert. Social Media is not about broadcasting your capabilities but rather an excellent platform for displaying them.

There are tons of people creating real relationships in social media because they are communicating. They help and recommend each other. You need to create some sort or tangible social proof. The problem is numbers are a a dying (dead) form of social proof. Your Twitter followers and blog subscriber numbers can both be manipulated. That leaves your actions and thoughts, and the more conversation the better.

So put up a portfolio that proves your artistic capabilities. Reach out to others regularly to both learn and educate. Interaction and communication is your key to developing tangible social proof.

– Photo by Aidan Jones

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